Saturday, February 6, 2016

Volunteer at a River Cleanup

Saturday, April 9     (Rain date April 23)
The 7th  Annual Occoquan River Cleanup -
Time:  9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Locations: 9 Different locations. Please click here
Join us to help keep the Occoquan River and reservoir clean. Work from multiple locations along the river and reservoir.  Volunteers gather trash on shore and paddlers work from canoes and kayaks to retrieve trash from the water. This event is sponsored by the Prince William Trails and Streams Coalition (PWTSC) in partnership with the PWC Parks Dept, Prince William Soil and Water Conservation District, and several homeowner's associations.  
For More information contact Ed Dandar: or contact the Conservation District
Saturday, April 16.     
Occoquan River Cleanup  in the  Town of Occoquan
Time:  9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Location: 314 Mill Street, Occoquan, VA 22125.
Join  us with Friends of Occoquan (FOTO) in the Town of Occoquan for this annual clean-up event of the Occoquan River: one of NOVA's drinking water source.

For more information contact:  or Kirstyn L. Jovanovich at 703 491 1918 Ext. 2