On Wednesday, I attended two of the three hearings that the State Corporation Commission (SCC) scheduled for local hearings on Dominion Virginia Power’s proposed above ground 230kV transmission power lines to be constructed through the Gainesville and Haymarket area. Dominion Power is proposing to run transmission power lines from a location near the intersection of Route 234 and I-66 to a location across from the Haymarket Wal-Mart to supply power for a data center proposed by a private customer. Dominion Power proposed several routes for the transmission lines to follow; their stated preferred route is above ground along I-66, with overhead towers to be placed near existing homes.
Based on the testimony given at Battlefield, the community supports either the I-66 Hybrid Route, which buries the section of power lines that would come closest to existing homes or having the data center relocate to Innovation Park which already has adequate power. Dominion opposes burying power lines due to the added upfront cost.You will have another opportunity to speak as a public witness on March 14, 2016 at 7 pm at Battlefield High School or you can submit written comments by May 3rd 2016 at the SCC web site click on the PE-2015-00107 at the bottom of the page.
I feel that Dominion has done an inadequate level of public outreach and has failed to demonstrate to the public the need for the increased power transmission lines and to adequately weigh the costs and benefits of the proposed power lines to the local community. I understand the duty of the SCC to minimize the power cost to the public while ensuring that required power is available, but there are more than dollar costs of capital expenditures into the rate base at stake.
The above ground routes are in direct conflict with the wants of our elected officials and the community at large. I object to any option that would impact the Rural Crescent, our watershed, and the essential green infrastructure of the region. There has been inadequate study of the impact of the proposed routes on the watershed and the green infrastructure.
Dominion Power has failed to engage the local elected officials who represent the interests of our community. Finally, Dominion Power has failed to engage the community in an open and honest way to honestly reflect the potential impact on our historic and natural resources. Dominion Power has only barely met the requirements of the SCC downplay the impact of their project on our community and natural resources while using their corporate size and influence to ignore the concerns of our community.