The Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) has recognized the Prince William Soil and Water Conservation District’s Adopt-A-Stream program as ranking number 2 (behind Fairfax) overall amount of trash removed from our rivers for the 2016 spring river clean ups. Yeah, Prince William Volunteers- give yourselves a big hand!!! Our Conservation District was ranked first in the state in mileage of waterways cleaned- 35% of the all miles of rivers cleaned under the Adopt-A-Stream program in Virginia.
This year 759 volunteers cleaned 77.4 miles of stream removing 20,877 pounds of trash in Prince William County during the Occoquan River Cleanup and the 28th Annual Potomac River Watershed Cleanup. The volunteers working with the Conservation District staff, community groups, employers, and schools participated in the annual regional river cleanup. There are many locations and opportunities to come out and help every year. The Potomac River Watershed Cleanup is the largest regional event of its kind, all are welcome. It is a great single day volunteer opportunity.
This year 759 volunteers cleaned 77.4 miles of stream removing 20,877 pounds of trash in Prince William County during the Occoquan River Cleanup and the 28th Annual Potomac River Watershed Cleanup. The volunteers working with the Conservation District staff, community groups, employers, and schools participated in the annual regional river cleanup. There are many locations and opportunities to come out and help every year. The Potomac River Watershed Cleanup is the largest regional event of its kind, all are welcome. It is a great single day volunteer opportunity.
The Adopt-A-Stream program is part of Stewardship Virginia which is one of the governor’s initiative. Unfortunately, it is necessary to hold these river cleanups annually. Year after year volunteers clean our streams, rivers, and stream beds of trash that started as litter and was carried along by stormwater and wind into our waterways and parks. The trash does not magically disappear, but finds its way into our streams and rivers disrupting the natural water flow and beauty of our natural world.
The Conservation District would like to thank all the residents who have volunteered, or are currently volunteering, for the Adopt-A-Stream program in the District. The Conservation District works with the County to promote Green Communities in Prince William. Gather up a group of friends and come out and help us keep our water ways free of trash. Don’t litter and teach your children not to litter.